jeudi 6 octobre 2011

♠Final Fantasy 8♠

Hi Gamers~~★
lately i found this one in a used shop~
well, Final Fantasy 8 is still popular in the world.
the design never gets old and the image is also amaizing!
I can say that there is no such a good senario in this world!

there is 4 discs and you may need about 70hrs to finish all parts!

you may have forgot what's happening to them~~ LOL
you don't want to know ?? LOL

Well, I heard that it's hard to get this game and the price is very high in overseas.. actually there is still many FF8 in japanese used market and Kojima Game has  good quality and good price of FF8 in our stock~(ask qty)
Please have a chance to see what's happening to them
at Kojima Game★★

We will also comply with your other request for Retro games, Used affordaple games and New games at good price!

E-mail us for details!

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