mardi 4 octobre 2011

♠Kuso ge~ of the year!!!!! ♠

Hi Gamers!♠
It's already in October that means just 3months left in 2011!
Well, Do you guys know about 'クソゲー オブ ザ イヤー(Kuso-ge of the year)= Shitty game of the year'???
It's very soon that 'Kuso-ge of the year in 2011' will be chosen!!
♠クソゲーオブザイヤーWiki 家庭用ゲーム版♠
(Kuso-ge of the year Wiki for Home video games)
♠What's クソゲーオブザイヤー?♠
-It's a festival on a board which is named 'クソゲーオブザイヤー', in 2ch(the biggest BBS site in Japan) for choosing a Kuso(shitty boring)game in the year.
-Kuso simply means ' shitty', 'boring' and 'too much bugs in the game'.
-This is not for abuse of the games.
-Please evaluate objectively and  Don't heat up.
- We call KOTY for Kuso-ge Of The Year.
- Q, isn't it ' オブ  イヤー?'  A, shut up, stupid!
♠the rule for 2011♠
Let's choose a Kuso geme which came out in 2011!
 -It's only for home video games which came out in 1/JAN/2011-31/DEC/2011.
-It won't be chosen by a election. Please wirite initiatively your evaluation on the board if you have recommendation of 'kuso game'
↓more derails!↓
By the way, 'Kuso-ge of the year' in 2010 is 'Last Rebellion' for PS3.
People in 2ch said ' You should buy other game' and ' it shouldnt't be exsisted.'
Unfortunately, In Kojima Game  There is a good price of ' Last Rebellion' LOL
E-mail us for details ★★

What is going to be your 'Kuso-ge of 2011'???

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